Thursday, 24 June 2021
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Thinking Critically - Reading/Writing task.
WALT: Think critically about what we read
Monday, 21 June 2021
Perfect Perimeter
Walt's : We are learning to calculate area and perimeter
Kiwi Kids News - A huge hole appears in Mexico
WALT - Locate and summarise ideas within a range of texts.
Kiwi Kids News Read off! - Tornado in South Auckland
Friday, 18 June 2021
Dazzling Decimals - 3
Flash Addition!
114 + 97 = 211
93 + 289= 382
128 + 87 = 215
163 + 84 = 247
311 + 93 = 404
Change to fractions and decimals
1. 21% - 0.21 21/100
2. 19% - 0.19 19/100
3. 35% - 0.35 35/100
4. 63% 0.63 63/100
5. 40% 0.40 40/100
6. 15% 0.15 15/100
7. 75% 0.75 75/100
8. 83% 0.83 83/100
9. 7% 0.7 7/100
10. 1% 0.1 01/100
Change to percentages
½ = 50%
â…— = 60%
41/ 50= 82%
7/10 = 70%
â…“= 33.333333333333333333333333
â…š= 25
14/35= 40%
1/25= 4%
5/50 = 10%
21/76 = 55%
1. 35 + 97 = 132
2. 3.25 - 1.17= 2.08
3. 2 × -8 = -16
4. 5 × (2 + 4 × 3) = 70
5. 5.789 - 1.345 = 4.444
6. 1.789 - 0.987 = 0.802
7. 1.67 + 5.895 = 7.565
8. 1.578 + 2.654 = 4.322
9. 7.678 - 3.567 = 4.111
10. 4.789 + 1.678 = 6.467
Why does matter matter
The three basic properties of matter are : Volume, mass and shape
All matter is made up of tiny particles called : Atoms
Volume is amount of space that matter takes up
Mass is the amount of matter in an object
Liquid take the shape of their container.
Gases do not have a definite shape of volume
Liquids do not have a definite shape, but they do have a definite volume.
Solids have a definite shape and volume.
A shape and chair are example of solids
Juice and Milk are examples of liquids
Helium and Oxygen are examples of gas
Solid ice is melting when it is changing into liquid
Thursday, 17 June 2021
Colosseum - Information Report
WALT: Learn about the Colosseum and write an information report about it.
Did you know that in Italy there is a COLOSSEUM! Welcome to my information report about Colosseum. In this information report, I will be telling you facts about the Colosseum that I found through google, youtube videos, etc. According to google colosseum is 189 meters (615 ft / 640 Roman feet) long, and 156 meters (510 ft / 528 feet) wide, with a base area 24,000 square metres (6 acres). The Colosseum was used to entertain people, they did events such as Gladiators contests, animal hunts, and re-enactments. There are even mock sea battles as they flooded the Colosseum with water. Also, the gladiators' shows took place at the colosseum as well. The Colosseum is even big enough to fit/seat 50,000 people. The colosseum is over 1,900 years old. They built the colosseum and it looks like an elliptical shape with a short axis. Emperor Vespasian built the colosseum. The colosseum was named after the Flavian Amphitheater. It was also like a gift to the Roman people. Now that you have finished reading my information report, you called maybe make one of your information report too.
Task Description: This is an information report about the Colosseum. I loved this task because it really used my writing skills.
Friday, 11 June 2021
Prefects Korero Week 6, Term 2
Thursday, 10 June 2021
The Sun Our Star - Inquiry Task
Point England School Fiafia
Last Week 3rd of June we had our Annual Point England FIAFIA !!
I was lucky enough to be one of the M'cs along with Sauma, Bradley and Kauri. Being a M'c was very nerve wracking and also being a M'c helped me really step out of my conference zone.
I was also in the Senior Samoan Group. I was in the Samoan because I am Samoan and also I love to show off my Samoan dance moves.
My highlight has to be the Tongan Girls because they looked amazing, with there Tupenu or sarong. I also like how there actions were so big and the best thing they did was smile.
Bookmarks Activity 4
Use the bookmarks bar properly on our device
Information Report - Pyramids in Egypt.
Did you know that there are pyramids in Egypt? Well, I think you have because it is one of the most visited places in the world! This is also my information report about pyramids in Egypt.
People from Egypt usually build pyramids to make tombs for people who are very special to them and bury them inside the Pyramids. They also bury them with stuff they think that they would need because they believe they can join them in the afterlife.
They buried them in Pyramids because wild animals buried the sand and thieves stole the loot, so they thought that Pyramids would be a good place to bury the dead bodies.
The Great Pyramids of Giza is the tallest pyramid in the world. It is 146.5 meters (481) feet. Giza is located in Egypt. The Great Pyramids of Giza were built more than 1,200 years ago.
According to google The Great Pyramids of Giza is 4,500 years old. Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khufu is also known as Cheops. Giza was found by King Khufu.
The Red Pyramid was built for Pharaoh Snefru, the father of Khufu. The Red Pyramid is also the second biggest pyramid. It took ten years and 7 months to build The Red Pyramids.
This is my short information report about Pyramids in Egypt and if you enjoy reading this I will do a Part 2.
Task Description: This is an information report about the pyramids in Egypt's. Overall this information
The Jacket (Part 2)
The Jacket - Part 1