Wednesday, 29 July 2020
In Training!
WALT: Working co-operatively with others in small groups Task Description: For this week we had a demic problem to figure out and this is what my group and I did! This was a very easy problem! I was working with Simon and Nesi and they were very helpful! I was using multiplication to figure out the answer!
Maths 2020,
Ms Tapuke,
Nina PES,
Point England School,
Room 2,
Year 7
Sam Bacon- Kiwi Sailor
Task Description: Today we created a profile for Sam Bacon! The reason why we are creating a profile Mr Bacon is Because he is donating us clothes for our school and to also help out the year 8 for there camp! We also wanted to learn more about Mr Bacon so we just made a profile for him!
Thank you Mr Bacon!
Thank you Mr Bacon!
Monday, 27 July 2020
Combodia Myth!
Task Description: Today we had to post 6 blog post about what we did the past week last week! we used the things from our passport! and this one is about the Combodia Myth!
Task Description: Today we had to post 6 blog post about what we did the past week last week! we used the things from our passport!
Bootcamp- Reading
WALT: identify common themes from a range of texts.
Task Description: Today for literacy we had to read a book based on a man that falls into bad thing and then recovers from it! that story is call Boot Camp- For this task we had to do some recaps about the story and tell what happened! Today I learned to identify common themes from a range of texts! Have an awesome day:) Please Leave a positive COMMENT!
Task Description: Today for literacy we had to read a book based on a man that falls into bad thing and then recovers from it! that story is call Boot Camp- For this task we had to do some recaps about the story and tell what happened! Today I learned to identify common themes from a range of texts! Have an awesome day:) Please Leave a positive COMMENT!
Spaghetti noodles with Marshmallow-Challenge!
Today we had our first literacy class in Term 3! To our lesson off we had to try and build the tallest building with spaghetti noodles and try to put one marshmallow on top of it! We had to work as a group and I was in the amazing Dahl group! The Ihimaera group ended up winning, but my group came second! over all we had an awesome experience ! The People that were in my group were Marie,Aahliyah,Kauri,Hannah and Rae Jae plus Me!
Ms Stone,
Nina PES,
Point England School,
Reading 2020,
Room 4,
Term 3,
Year 7
Friday, 24 July 2020
Dragon's eye lake
Task Description: Today we went in rotations, and now our main teacher was Mrs.Tele'a she was really nice and funny. She then explained to us, on how she found out that she was apart of another nationality. Which was also related to the flag on the poster that i've had just made!
Poster-Combodia Myth and Legend!
Task Description: For the week we have been going to different classes and today I went to Room 11 with Mrs Ilaoa and this is what we learned there! - For this task we had to do a poster about the gods that we just leared about! A story that is from Combodia!
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Match 'em up!
Task Description: For the week we have been going to different classes and today I went to Room 11 with Mrs Ilaoa and this is what we learned there! - For this task we had match each thing with the goddess, for example. Vorachhun got the magical dagger, so we have to put it in the gift column next to there name. Then we had to create a quick little description about what happened after they got there gifts.
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Paul Bunyan
Task Description: For the week we have been going to different classes and today I went to Room 1 to Mrs Moala and this is what we learned!- For This Task-We had to do some research about Paul Bunyan and the story!
Early Finishers! - Greek Mythology!
Task Description: Because I finished early from the other task- Greek Mythology! I had to do this task!- For this task I had to do some research about a god!- I did Hercles! Hoped you enjoyed! please Leave a positive comment:)
Greek Mythology!
Task Description: Today for Inquiry we learnt about Greek Mythogy. We learnt about the different Greek gods, the greek creation story and about themes.When Hermes was baby he invented fire and lyre( a harp). Please see my story!- Please leave a positive comment and I hoped you enjoyed!
Jamaica- The Blue Mountain Coffee!
WALT:Understand how people pass on and sustain culture and heritage for different reasons and that this has consequences for people
Task Description: For the week we have been going to different classes and today I went to Room 5 to Ms Whare Kelly and this is what we learned!- For This Task- We had to do some Research about The Blue Mountain Coffee.Today I learned more about JAMAICA! Hope you enjoy-Please Leave a positive Comment!
Task Description: For the week we have been going to different classes and today I went to Room 5 to Ms Whare Kelly and this is what we learned!- For This Task- We had to do some Research about The Blue Mountain Coffee.Today I learned more about JAMAICA! Hope you enjoy-Please Leave a positive Comment!
Monday, 20 July 2020
The Watcher of the South!
Task description:
Today we had to read a myth from south africa. This story was so interesting, I love it! On the slides, we had to name the characters. And then on the next slide we had to put down notes of the story. Then we had to record ourselves retelling the story with our partner.
Sunday, 19 July 2020
Fast AS! Activity 3!
My Mother is as beautiful as an Angel!
Simon is as small as a Year 4!
Usain Bolt is as fast as a cheetah!

Task description: I have been doing WLJ and this is one of the task! For this task we had to For this activity, please create four new similes. You can use the starters below or you can make up your own.
Winter Learning Journey!
Task description: Hi my name is Nina and this whole week aka today I have been doing WLJ- Winter Learning Journey! For this task I had to make my own pepeha! I made some of the words are Samoan because I am Samoan!! Hope you enjoyed and please leave a positive comment!
Extra: WLJ
Task description: For this task I had to:If you were given the ability to text one message today to all people of Aotearoa - what would it be? NO more than 15 words!
Write in screen here, take a pic and post on your blog to end your first week of our Easter Learning Journey. The Picture shows what i did! Hope you enjoy and please leave a positive comment!
Winter Learning Journey- Task 5!
Task Description: This will be the second to last task that Ms Tapuke had made for my class to do well we are in holiday!For this task we had to Create a poster that shows 3 key quotes you have heard your parents/whanau say since your return to school in level 2. Because I am a an A.O.G person Assemble of God my parents love to say quotes from the TUSI PAIA.
Activity 2- Winter Learning Journey Week 1
The Big Friendly Giant from The Big Friendly Giant is a ginormous person, with an enormous heart. Wears a white shirt and a carob colour vest. The BFG has a pointy noise , long legs and a long neck! He has light brown eyes. He also wears exclusive clothes that were made by him!
Task description: For this activity I had to on your blog, write a character description of the Big Friendly Giant that includes at least 10 descriptive words and a picture that you have drawn of the BFG. You could describe what he looks, smells, and sounds like, and tell your readers all about his personality. What I learned? I learned to read it properly and thing of juicy words!
Task description: For this activity I had to on your blog, write a character description of the Big Friendly Giant that includes at least 10 descriptive words and a picture that you have drawn of the BFG. You could describe what he looks, smells, and sounds like, and tell your readers all about his personality. What I learned? I learned to read it properly and thing of juicy words!
Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Winter Learning Journey Week 1
Walt:WLJ@PES, Nina@pes, sportsperson Nina, winterlearningjourney etc
Task Description: I really wanted to join winter learning Journey for our room 2 whanau. I started on the one that I was most adapted too! For this task I had to make a Profile In this activity you are to Create a profile of a favourite Kiwi sports star of yours (name age, sports background, culture, education history, accomplishments to date) Write similes about this sports star Publish both pieces on your blog!! I did .... check out my work!! For this task i learned how to read more into peoples lifes!
Task Description: I really wanted to join winter learning Journey for our room 2 whanau. I started on the one that I was most adapted too! For this task I had to make a Profile In this activity you are to Create a profile of a favourite Kiwi sports star of yours (name age, sports background, culture, education history, accomplishments to date) Write similes about this sports star Publish both pieces on your blog!! I did .... check out my work!! For this task i learned how to read more into peoples lifes!
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