Dear Blog readers,
This will be my last time with my chrome book this year at school.
I will be posting in the holiday with a website call Summer Learning Journey.
My three best highlight:
1. Year 6 camp This was the best thing about being a year 6 student in Room 7 we all had fun playing with friends and getting to eat dinner with each other.
2. Being an Ambassador, I loved being an ambassador for my school loved going to others school. Telling people about our awesome school.
3.Getting lots of things at prize giving, I was so proud of myself getting an sport award a class award and many more. My parent were so proud of my effort this year being a year 6 and having an awesome teacher.
This was sure the best year.
Friday, 6 December 2019
Summer Learning Journey.
Task description: This week is teaser week and this is one of the task. We had to do a pepeha.
Summer Learning Journey.
Task description: Summer learning journey is doing a teaser week and this is one of the task and this task is awesome.
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Inquiry Animation: Goldilocks and The Three Bears / Emotion
Task description: This term we had to do a animation about feelings. How I showed the feeling that I choose was by using the story Goldilocks and the three bears.
I hope you enjoyed my Animation and also this is my last animation for this year . I'am so excited to see what we had to do for next years animation.
I hope you enjoyed my Animation and also this is my last animation for this year . I'am so excited to see what we had to do for next years animation.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Standing Room only.
Walt: Figure it out
Task description: This week we had to do maths and one of the task was about times table and it was called Standing room only.
Task description: This week we had to do maths and one of the task was about times table and it was called Standing room only.
Walt: Figure it out.
Task description: For maths this week I had to do maths about New Zealand History.
Task description: For maths this week I had to do maths about New Zealand History.
Summer Learning Journey second post.
Task description: This is teaser week so I am doing Summer Learning journey and I this is my second post.
Monday, 2 December 2019
Friday, 29 November 2019
Me in Disguise.
Task description: Me in a disguise and creating a video.
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Camp Bentzon Top 5 tips.
Dear future campers, Camp Bentzon is on Kawau Island with heaps of water Surrounding it. Camp Bentzon is the best thing about being a year 6 student. There are water and dry land activities every single day. There are lots of wild animals but do not feed them because our food is not good for them. You always have to have a water bottle with you because that the only thing you drink or you can thirsty. You are not allowed to go up into your cabin if you are dripping wet because that might make someone fall and break their bones. I have Five Top Tips for you about Kawau Island Camp Bentzon that is going to help you!!!!!!.
My First Tip is about Killer hill.
I thought Killer Hill was going to be normal but no there were heaps of sticks and rocks and steep places on Killer Hill. You will have to have a water I mean a water bottle not a teeny weeny one just big one to carry water.
It would have been so exhausting if you were to wear long pants like JEANS. Airy clothes are the best and take a mini fan that just uses batteries not a charger. Have a hat with you because you will be in the boiling hot climbing Killer Hill. Don’t take a school hat just a mufti hat( Any Hat but not a school hat).
My Second tip is about bringing Water Shoes
The reason why is because there are heaps of sharp oyster shells, sharp shells and rocks. We get to swim at the end of the day and it is high tide and that is very hard to swim but your water shoes help you to swim a lot. Water shoes keep your feet warm. You have to use water shoes for every water activity, If you don’t have water shoes and it is a water activity then unlucky.
Don’t bring water shoes with you in your cabin or it might smell like the beach, just leave it outside on the side of the door to dry. Water shoes are used every time you enter the water.
My Third Tip is to not talk in the morning if the hooter is not blown.
The reason why is that the people in you cabin will not get enough sleep for the big day. You will wake up the cabin next to you cabin. It will make the teachers anxious and you would have to mob the floor after dinner. You will not get enough sleep and you will fall asleep in the middle of an activity.
My Fourth tip is you walk into the dinning room like an adult.
First you have to put on shoes. Be quiet or you might have to sit outside on the porch and not eat your meal. Seat up so your group can eat first. Always have your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand, You put your spoon in the hand you write with. Bring your water bottle with you because that the only thing you drink because they do not have drinks for you to drink
Never talk when it is time to eat dessert because there is only limited flavours and you want to be the first person to choose your ice cream!.
My Fifth Tip is if you are still hungry and you want seconds
If you want seconds you have to sit up with a big smile on your face. You always have to have a clean plate when you are looking at Mr Goodwin or Mr Somervillie. Never talk because you might be last getting seconds.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
5 Facts about the mansion of kawau Island
Task Description: Since camp is coming up my class has been doing some research about things on kawau island and today is the Mansion on kawau Island.
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
WALT: to read and perform a play.
Task Description: We had to make a screencastify of a plat and more and I worked with leylani to draw my google drawing.
Task Description: We had to make a screencastify of a plat and more and I worked with leylani to draw my google drawing.
Monday, 4 November 2019
Me in Disguise
Task Description: I had to make a design of a charter and describe it.
Friday, 1 November 2019
Story Problems
WALT: Find rules for the next number in patterns.
Task description: This week we had to do a maths work made by Miss Parent.
Task description: This week we had to do a maths work made by Miss Parent.
WALT: look closely at characters and dialogue.
Task Description: This week we had to create a play and make a Charter in Google drawing.
Task Description: This week we had to create a play and make a Charter in Google drawing.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Multiplication and Division
WALT: Find rules for the next number in patterns.
Task Description: We had to do some fun math on this awesome fun task.
Task Description: We had to do some fun math on this awesome fun task.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Adding & Subtracting Money.
Walt:Find rules for the next number in patterns.
Task Description: This week we had to do adding and subtraction some number patterns.
Task Description: This week we had to do adding and subtraction some number patterns.
Write the scene.
Task Description: Today we had to write a script that had lots of drama.
The travel to Kawau Island.
Task description: WE had to make a video that tell's you the the way to Kawau Island from Pt England school to sand spit.
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Monday, 21 October 2019
Triangle Paths.
WALT: Find rules for the next number in patterns.
Description: Today number pattern and it was awesome.
Description: Today number pattern and it was awesome.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Immersion Assembly
Task description:Mr. Goodwin was on vacation today, so Miss. Szymanik was here. Today I finished my immersion assembly writing. Then I let my friend Simon read it. So I could post it on my blog.
Monday, 14 October 2019
Number Pattern.
WALT: Find rules for the next number in patterns.
Task Description: Miss, Szymanik was our teacher for today. We had to carry on the patterns that she made.
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
Task Description: I love art so that why I drawled some of my friends favourite things.
Monday, 30 September 2019
Ping Pong ( Forest Version).
Task description: I created a game on scratch that just like ping pong.
Room 7.,
Scratch Project 2019,
Year 6
Friday, 27 September 2019
Highlight of term 3.
Walt: Highlight of term 3!!!
Task Description: I love term 3 and the highlight we had.
Task Description: I love term 3 and the highlight we had.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Something in the water Animation Term 3.
Task Description: This term is based on something in the water. That why I had to create an animation about the rocky shore and my creature the crayfish from our theme something in the water.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
This is my Promotion.
Walt:You should totally read this book.
Task Description: This is my promotion for a book called Mr Stink Author by David Walliams.
Task Description: This is my promotion for a book called Mr Stink Author by David Walliams.
Friday, 30 August 2019
Guide to the Rocky Shore,
WALT: paraphrase and summarise information
Task Description: This week I had to go onto a task and put creatures into there spot on the task on one page(last page).
Task Description: This week I had to go onto a task and put creatures into there spot on the task on one page(last page).
Clever Clues.
Walt: use our basic facts knowledge to try out new strategies.
Task Description: This week I did a maths figure out task called clever clue.
Crayfish Labeling.
Walt: identify features of a narrative.
Task Description: This week we had to label the spots on a crayfish.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Crayfish Escape - Story web.
Walt: identify features of a narrative
Task description:We had to describe the characters and the setting and Plot.
Monday, 26 August 2019
Walt: use our basic facts knowledge to try out new strategies.
Task Description: This week we are learning 9 timetable but I just wanted to test myself on the 8 timetable.
Task Description: This week we are learning 9 timetable but I just wanted to test myself on the 8 timetable.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Synonyms: Nouns, Adjectives & Verbs.
WALT: to unpack new and difficult vocabulary.
Task Description: We are learning to read about habitat.
Task Description: We are learning to read about habitat.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Review Task.
WALT: to unpack new and difficult vocabulary.
Task Description: This week we had to do a review of our book.
Task Description: This week we had to do a review of our book.
Tuesday, 20 August 2019
Task-Figure it out
Walt: use our basic facts knowledge to try out new strategies.
Task Description: This week we had to do a fraction task.
Task Description: This week we had to do a fraction task.
Monday, 19 August 2019
Timetable Practice.
Walt: Learning to do the 8 timetables.
Task Description: This week we are learning our 8 timetables and it is very exciting.
Friday, 16 August 2019
The Zones of the Rocky Shore.
The Rocky shore is a common habitat in the intertidal area of New Zealand coast line. The Rocky Shore has many different areas or zones that makes up the habitat including the intertidal zone, Splash zone, Subtidal and Supratidal zone.
It contains many different types of creatures and wildlife and diversity.
The Splash zone is high above the high tide mark.
The Splash zone is only gets covered in the storms and the king tide. Other times it can be moistened by breaking waves. Plants and creatures that are in the Splash zone are exposed to varying temperatures from high temperatures from the sun causing dry out, and coldness from cold temperatures.
The Intertidal zone is between the lowest tide and the highest tide. It has divided into 3 zones High tide zone Middle tide zone and low tide zone. An Intertidal zone has lots of living creatures that live in the Intertidal zone. The Intertidal zone is completely submerged in the cold salt water. This zone is also known to contain Tidal pools and many more.
Subtidal or sublittoral zone is the area directly under the Intertidal zone is below the low tide mark . It is permanently covered by water. It The Rocky Shore is a common habitat in the Intertidal zone in New Zealand coast line.The Rocky Shore has many different types of zones including Intertidal zone. The Intertidal zone has 3 types of zones that is High tide zone, middle tide zone and low tide zone.Another zone is Supratidal or Splash Zone.The last one I write about is Subtidal zone and it is directly under the Intertidal zone.The Rocky Shore is a great place to visit and study.s more stable then the Intertidal zone. Organisms do not therefore dry out and grow much faster.
Monday, 12 August 2019
The Farty Party.
Walt:Today we had to make a picture book.
Task Description:Today we had to make and draw and design a picture book.
Task Description:Today we had to make and draw and design a picture book.
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Journal Word find.
WALT: make inferences as we read.
Task Description: This week we had to get some interesting words from our book and put them into a word find."I put in clues as will".
Task Description: This week we had to get some interesting words from our book and put them into a word find."I put in clues as will".
Screencastify Reading.
Task description:This week we had to read a book understand it and then read it to you.
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Screencastify Scartch Project .Run away from the shark
Walt:comb binding all of our strategies together.
Task Description: This few week we had to do a scratch project about the rocky Shore.
Task Description: This few week we had to do a scratch project about the rocky Shore.
Thursday, 25 July 2019
My Rockyshore.
WALT: research and write about about sea creatures from the rocky shore.
Task description: First I had to pick a animal from the rocky-shore then I had to do research about the crab.
Task description: First I had to pick a animal from the rocky-shore then I had to do research about the crab.
Thursday, 11 July 2019
Tuesday, 9 July 2019
Papper plane.
Walt:Team 4 Class Challenge.
Task Description: Today I had to make a 3 difference plane and then test them out see what one came first it was unbelievable to see which one won
Task Description: Today I had to make a 3 difference plane and then test them out see what one came first it was unbelievable to see which one won
Monday, 8 July 2019
Task 1 Holiday Blogging.
Walt: Task 1 Class challenge.
Task description: Today I had help from ma twin Norah Jade. For this task it was nice and simple and fun.
Monday, 1 July 2019
Screencastify Reading.
WALT: take charge of our own learning.
Task description: Today I had to make a screencastify with my book called pet day.
Sunday, 30 June 2019
Thursday, 27 June 2019
Scratch Game : Sheep on farm.
Walt: use the drawing tools in Scratch.
Task description: Today we had to draw a sheep and a farm on scratch
and then I had to make a screencastify of my game.
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Desert Island.
WALT: to construct effective sentences.
Task description: I had to make a stories that is all about being on a desert island with no water and no food.
Monday, 24 June 2019
Decimal Problem.
Walt: recognise shapes and sides.
Task description: I had help from Mr Wright and then I did it all by myself.
Independent and Dependant Clauses.
WALT: identify and write independent & dependent clauses.
Task description: We had to make a sentences Independent and dependent.
Friday, 21 June 2019
Word Find.
WALT: take charge of our own learning.
Task Description: Today we had to do a word search from my book called I want to be zippy.
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Scout the Perimeter and Calculate the Area.
Walt: recognise shapes and sides.
Task description: Today we had to do Calculate the area and Scout the perimeter.
And it was so fun .
Character Emotions.
WALT: take charge of our own learning.
Task description: I had to descried what the people emotion is on each page.
WALT: take charge of our own learning.
Task Description: Today we had to put word in AlphaBetiCal.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
My Animation 2019.
Hello my name is Nina this Animation is about directions around the school. First you will be located at the front of the school. Mr Goodwin has just arrived. Head North towards the red double doors at the front entrance. When you walk inside the doors you will be in the breeze. Keep heading north, walk past the school hall and keep heading north towards the school office. Then turn left and head West down the passageway. If you turn left and walk through the second door on your left you will see a class called the creative space and then you will see Mrs Lagitupu teaching her class. Head back out the door into the passageway and Head West. Walk out the double doors and head south. Then your destination will be there which is the hard court.
Screencastify Reading.
WALT: take charge of our own learning.
Task description: Today we had to make a screensatify about our book and I had help from my friend called Madi. She was a helpful friend helped me read the word I did not know.
Monday, 17 June 2019
Shapes and Symmetry and Shapes on Shapes.
Walt: recognise shapes and sides.
Task description: We had Mr Goodwin Cut a
Geometry - Shapes Had do the the same shape but like a mirror.
Setting Description.
Task Description: Was That we had Three pictures that we had to describe and it had to be 2 paragraph each.
Walt:Writing paragraph.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Monday, 10 June 2019
Walt: Screencastify.
Task discription: Today we had to read to you about Our book called Poi.
Thursday, 6 June 2019
Chase Game 2019.
Walt: Creating a scratch project
Task description: Today I got to create a scratch project like the best one and I made a chase game.
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
WALT: understand new vocabulary.
Task description: Today we had to research about words and other things from our book
Tuesday, 4 June 2019
WALT: Navigate maps and grids.
Task Description: Today we had to understand about Y axis and X axis.
Friday, 31 May 2019
Missing Teacher.
Walt:paint an image in the readers mind.
Task description: This is my Story is all about a Missing Teacher.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Reading screencastify 2019.
Task Description :Today we had to make a screencastify for a reading book.
Walt : understand new vocabulary.
Walt : understand new vocabulary.
Friday, 24 May 2019
Word Find.
WALT: understand new vocabulary.
Task description: For today Reading we had to do a word search and it was fun.
Thursday, 23 May 2019
screencastify reading .
WALT: understand new vocabulary
Task description: so today we had to do a screencastify about reading our book.
Monday, 20 May 2019
Compass Directions and Degrees in a circle.
WALT: use compass points and directions.
Task Description: Today the whole class were sitting on the matt and trying to know were is North, South,West and East and good we did know where it was.
Monday, 6 May 2019
Writing 2019.
Tree Trunks: Tree trunks are the most beautiful tree trunks in the world because it has a beautiful brown colour on it. If you try to snap it you can hear a beautiful crunch
Leaves: the leaves got beautiful colour that is chartreuse and you can hear a beautiful crunch of leaves.
Grass: the grass is a ugly juniper colour but with a few growing beautiful colour.
Imagine: Japan people walking around trying to look for small chubby pandas that are eating bamboo’s.
WALT: paint an image in the readers mind.
Task Description: So today we had to write about the photo and one parts is to write Imagine.
Friday, 3 May 2019
Match the word.
Walt :understand new vocabulary
Task Description: So today we had to match the words with the word that match it.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
Setting Description.
1- Ocean
The ocean is a clear shallow shiny turquoise with calming waves coming in.
The sand is like a golden shiny bumble bee colour. which feels like a soft soggy feeling in your feet.
3- Sky
The sky has clouds that i think feels like cotton candy. The sky is a shiny sparkly royal blue colour with a great big sparkle from the sun.
3- Sky
The sky has clouds that i think feels like cotton candy. The sky is a shiny sparkly royal blue colour with a great big sparkle from the sun.
The sand is like a golden shiny bumble bee colour. which feels like a soft soggy feeling in your feet.
There is a nice calming little dopin with a smooth body like a lollipop.
There is a nice calming little dopin with a smooth body like a lollipop.
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Silent Reading.
Walt: We are learning to design a book mark.
Task description: We had to make a book mark and then chose a book to read and use the book mark to mark the page that we are in.
Making connections
make connections with our own experience as we read the text.Walt: make connections with our own experience as we read the text.
Task description: first we all went on camp then Mr Goodwin showed us the task we had to do then we all went off and did it.
Task description: first we all went on camp then Mr Goodwin showed us the task we had to do then we all went off and did it.
Writing 2019.
Task description
Mr Goodwin made us a task on writing a letter to someone. We had to write our own writing. We have to tell them what the camp is like and we have to write a bit of ourselves. We have to answer the questions that Lose told is.
That's all.
Monday, 8 April 2019
Punctuation writing
WALT: use correct punctuation.
Task Description: Today we had to learn how to do punctuation writing and I worked with Bradley.
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Term 1 Animation - Better Together
This is my three Animation that is all about Better Together.
1. First is Better Together is when people are putting the chairs up together.
2.When the kid see the class messy so they just clean
3. This is about kindness when someone help another person.
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Carlie's Second Chance.
WALT: understand new vocabulary.
Task description: First we met with Mr Goodwin and when we met with him on his table we all red the book then he showed us the task we had to do then we all went off and the task and here is my task.
Monday, 1 April 2019
8 bit art.
Walt: Create 8 bit art.
Task description: This is my plan for my real life 8 bit art drawing. I have chosen a pineapple because I really love pineapple because it is nice and sour and tasty.Friday, 29 March 2019
8 bit art picture
Task description: So first we had to go on 8 bit art and pick a picture. Then we had to draw it. So as you see I drawn a pineapple with sunglasses.
Measurements 2019
WALT: convert units of measurement.
Task description:Today this was all about measurements.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Term 1 Animation - Better Together and Teamwork
Hi everyone my name is Nina and this my animation about Kia pai te kotahi which means better together.
Miss Honey said "it's home time now. Class put up all of the chairs and line up against the wall."
"Yes Miss Honey" said the class .
Norah Jade went and did the chairs well the rest of them sit down and talk about the weekend.Then Jane saw Norah jade doing the chairs all by herself she went to the other people in the class and said let go and help Norah Jade. They saw her doing it and then went to her and helped her do it because it is better together.
This animation is about working together like a team to get something done.
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Math work.
WALT: convert units of measurement.
Task description: Today we had to finish off this task and we got some help from Horrendous Soup.
Friday, 22 March 2019
The Ant and the Grasshopper.
WALT: understand new vocabulary.
Task description: First we had to meet with Mr Goodwin then we all red the story after that he showed us the task we had to do then we went off and did it.
Thursday, 21 March 2019
The Ants and the Grasshopper .
WALt: understand new vocabulary.
WALt: understand new vocabulary.
Task description: First we had to meet with Mr Goodwin then we all red the story after that he showed us the task we had to do then we went off and did it.
Friday, 1 March 2019
Up the Guts.
WALT: make connections with what we already know as we read the text
description: Today's task was to read the text and to do the task about para and shane who are brothers and sister.
Friday, 22 February 2019
Paul Jenning 2019.
The Beginning.
Suddenly I wake up, in Samoa I wake up to a cow and a pig write in my face. She wonder why so She got up went to get change and then she went outside and saw raining cows and pig. She catched one pig and name it piggling because it keeps wriggling and it a pig ‘’and why not”.
What happened
Maybe if She catch another one she might take it with me to my Parent house. she know that they will love it and maybe she can fly all the way back home in Landon to work about it in my labe with my coworkers.Or she catch heap and make a big fed with all of my family and friend because they have been doing a lot for me. But There something she don’t to caring on because I not want to all way have raining cows and pig it going to be loud and heaps of moon’s and heap of oink oink oink.Maybe She called not sleep for a long time and maybe her house might smell very bad. Then he just had to CALL 911 witch is the police so the police can tell the president and or the people can just march down to the president to give her too much thing to do or to much pressure and she has to deal with it.”Unlucky”. Then then president ask someone to make it End and i will give you 5.000 $
Maybe if She catch another one she might take it with me to my Parent house. she know that they will love it and maybe she can fly all the way back home in Landon to work about it in my labe with my coworkers.Or she catch heap and make a big fed with all of my family and friend because they have been doing a lot for me. But There something she don’t to caring on because I not want to all way have raining cows and pig it going to be loud and heaps of moon’s and heap of oink oink oink.Maybe She called not sleep for a long time and maybe her house might smell very bad. Then he just had to CALL 911 witch is the police so the police can tell the president and or the people can just march down to the president to give her too much thing to do or to much pressure and she has to deal with it.”Unlucky”. Then then president ask someone to make it End and i will give you 5.000 $
The Ending.
The the person that the president went straight to work for beauce it is the president and Beauces he really want the money ‘’ Here come the money money money money”.The president because he knows that the president is very rich and has the goddess house in samoa. Then he fixed the whole thing and it was kind of weird because how can do it so fast.
The Mission 2019.
Today our teacher our took us on a secret Mission. One thing we had do is to act like soldiers in the army.Those you’re teacher does that ?
First we went outside and went into two straight lines like the soldiers in the army.Then we marching outside in front of our class and it was like “training exercising” we alway had to do it right. Then had to say “ left Right” When we were walking”I meant Marching”. We always had to start we Left and then we got up to left.
Then Next exercising,
We had to do a sneak walk o the deck and it heelers around Room 11 like little silent like little ninja.Then we had to do it all the way to the field and there was one caption called Moui. He looked like he had big dream ahead of him.
The last exercise was!,
Was Fitness.” Ohhh know”. We first had to left one feet up and we had to try and balance one person feel down his name is kiteone is from samoa. One other person called Austin the “Mastermind” had never feel down when or Teacher try to push him down with one finger like “boom”.
But he never feel down because he is the “mastermind”.
We was kind of boring but fun at the same bradlly farts too.
Overall it felt like we were in the a Movie called and “Useless soldiers”.
WALT: Structure a recount correctly.
Task description: Today task was a Narrative writing and it was kind of like a test but it was actually and practise test.
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