
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

AJ trip to Samoa

One hot spring day a boy called AJ wanted to go to Samoa. He was waiting on a path for a bus and finally the bus arrived. But the bus was going to Hamilton! AJ cried because he really wanted to see his Aunty in Samoa. AJ grabbed his phone out and called his mum to come. She said "ok, I'll be there soon." She arrived to take AJ home to go to seep for the day.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016


The stormy clouds  close in on the sky. The rain was dripping in the slimy and slippery mud. Stormy clouds were coming down in the dark,dark day.Sping was coming out.All of the flowers were singing a song. The tree  was growing more leaves. Then I dip my leg in the mud. There was nothing in the mud puddle. Yes! All of the clouds were gone! 

Tuesday, 26 July 2016


Today we are learning when I grow up I want to be the fastest swimmer at the Olympics and win the gold medal. Yesterday we had our Immesion assembly. Team 2 is learning about addresses and directions and about the Olympics. Team 1 is learning about the Olympics their movie was about Healthy food and asked how Fast are you. How high can you climb? How far can you Jump? How stry strong are you. They said you need to drink lots of water and train a lot too.